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http://www.100md.com 2023年9月12日 中国美容医学 2023年第8期
     漆兰 吴雪莲 刘贵喜

    [摘要]目的:探討整形外科手术室护士前瞻性应对方式的影响因素。方法:选取2019年1月-2020年12月笔者医院44名整形外科手术室护士作为研究对象,收集本组护士与职业相关基础资料,使用前瞻性应对方式问卷(Proactive coping styles,PCS)评估手术室护士前瞻性应对方式,采用Logistic回归模型分析手术室护士前瞻性应对方式影响因素。结果:本组护士PCS评分为(32.71±3.52)分,以均值32.71分作为分界点,将本组护士分为高分组和低分组,两组年龄、受教育程度、月收入、职称、普外科工龄、是否有外出学习进修经历、职业成熟度、职业期望比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);Logistic回归分析发现普外科工龄1~5年、中专、护师、无外出进修经历、职业成熟水平低、是影响手术室护士前瞻性应对方式的危险因素(P<0.05)。结论:整形外科手术室护士前瞻性应对方式受诸多因素影响,如普外科工龄、职称、外出进修经历等,建议临床实际中增加整形外科知识宣传渠道,加强手术室护士培训力度,培养其前瞻性应对方式,以提高手术效果。


    [中图分类号]R473.6? ? [文献标志码]A? ? [文章编号]1008-6455(2023)08-0186-04

    Analysis of the Factors Influencing the Prospective Coping Style of Nurses in Plastic Surgery Operating Room

    QI Lan1,WU Xuelian2,LIU Guixi3

    [1.Operating Room; 2.Department of General Surgery; 3.Department of Urology,the Third People's Hospital of Mianyang(Sichuan Mental Health Center),Mianyang 621000,Sichuan,China]

    Abstract: Objective? To explore the factors influencing the prospective coping style of nurses in plastic surgery operating room. Methods? A total of 44 nurses in the operating room of plastic surgery department in the author's hospital from January 2019 to December 2020 were selected as the research objects.The basic data of nurses in this group were collected and the proactive coping styles questionnaire (PCS) was used to evaluate the prospective coping style of operating room nurses.Logistic regression model was used to analyze the influencing factors of prospective coping style of operating room nurses. Results? The PCS score of nurses in this group was (32.71±3.52).Taking the average score of 32.71 as the cut-off point ......

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