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http://www.100md.com 2024年2月21日 中国美容医学 2024年第1期
     陈俊男 曾丁 刘虎仙 孙可 周国勇



    [中图分类号]R782.4? ? [文献标志码]A? ? [文章编号]1008-6455(2024)01-0067-03

    Application of Cosmetic Plastic Technique? in Debridment and Suturing of Emergency Treatment of Maxillofacial Traumas

    CHEN Junnan,ZENG Ding,LIU Huxian,SUN Ke,ZHOU Guoyong

    (PLA Rocket Force Characteristic Medical Center,Beijing 100088,China)

    Abstract: Objective? To explore the recovery effect of the emergency plastic surgery suture technique for maxillofacial trauma. Methods? From January 2020 to January 2021, 57 patients with maxillofacial trauma who were repaired in our department's emergency plastic surgery were selected as the research objects ......

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