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http://www.100md.com 2024年2月21日 中国美容医学 2024年第1期
     杨丹丹 沈杰 赵琪 王雍 孙振亮 胡振林



    [中图分类号]R322.99? ? [文献标志码]A? ? [文章编号]1008-6455(2024)01-0181-04

    Research Progress on Skin Atrophy Induced by Topical Glucocorticoids and Its Prevention and Treatment

    YANG Dandan1,SHEN Jie2,ZHAO Qi1,WANG Yong1,SUN Zhenliang2,HU Zhenlin1

    (1.School of Medicine,Shanghai University,Shanghai 200444,China; 2.Central Laboratory,Shanghai Fengxian District Central Hospital,Shanghai 201499,China)

    Abstract: Skin atrophy is one of the most prevalent side-effects of topical glucocorticosteroids. The mechanisms involved in topical glucocorticoids-induced skin atrophy include suppressing keratinocyte proliferation, accelerating their maturation, inhibiting the synthesis of epidermal lipids, suppressing fibroblast proliferation, reducing the synthesis of extracellular matrix such as collagen and hyaluronic acid, etc. In recent years ......

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