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http://www.100md.com 2024年3月24日 中国美容医学 2024年第3期
     李诺 徐跃容 高玥璇 李成蹊 蓝海冰



    [中图分类号]R249.8? ? [文献标志码]B? ? [文章编号]1008-6455(2024)03-0084-03

    Lan Haibing Applies the "Fire Stagnation Requiring Dissipation" Theory in Treating Acne Vulgaris: An Experiential Perspective

    LI Nuo,XU Yuerong,GAO Yuexuan,LI Chengxi,LAN Haibing

    (Department of Dermatology,the Gu Lou Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Beijing,Beijing 100009,China)

    Abstract: In relation to Acne vulgaris, Professor Lan Haibing has recently advanced the notion that its fundamental pathogenesis is connected to "depressed fire." This article aims to delve into the causes of the disease, specifically exploring Qi Stagnation Fire, Blood Stagnation Fire, Damp Stagnation Fire, Phlegmatic Stagnation Fire, Cold Stagnation Fire, and Pyretic Stagnation Fire from a new perspective. Drawing upon the theory of "Fire stagnation requiring dissipation," the article has proposed a treatment principle centered around the concepts of dispersal ......

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