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http://www.100md.com 2024年3月24日 中国美容医学 2024年第3期
     滕沂睿 张嗣麟 杨斌 李岩 孙海龙 邵永新 付佳乐



    [中图分类号]R783.3? ? [文献标志码]A? ? [文章编号]1008-6455(2024)03-0179-06

    Clinical Application and Prospect of Flowable Composite Resin

    TENG Yirui1,ZHANG Silin1,YANG Bin1,LI Yan1,SUN Hailong2,SHAO Yongxin2,FU Jiale3

    (1.Medical Collage of Jinzhou Medical University,Jinzhou 121010,Liaoning,China; 2.Shenyang Shenhe Aoxin Outpatient Department, Aoxin Q&M Dental Group,Shenyang 110000,Liaoning,China; 3.Department of Dental Materials, the Second Department of Prosthodontic, School & Hospital of Stomatology, China Medical University, Shenyang 110002, Liaoning, China)

    Abstract: Flowable composite resin has good fluidity and aesthetic properties, which is suitable for aesthetic filling and repair in non-stressed areas.Fully understanding of the physical and chemical characteristics of flowable resin is helpful for dentists to select appropriate materials according to the actual clinical situation and ensure the long-term stability of clinical treatment.The concept ......

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