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http://www.100md.com 2024年3月24日 中国美容医学 2024年第3期
     贾文文 房祥艳 霍启晓 王凡涛

    [摘要]白斑病变(White spot lesions,WSLs)是固定矫治中最常见的临床并发症,严重者可引发龋坏进而影响美观,因此探索安全有效的防治措施,具有深远的临床意义。预防方法中首选口腔卫生维护和应用氟化物,还包括酪蛋白磷酸肽系統、益生元、益生菌、木糖醇、激光、密封剂,其中激光是新兴辅助措施。矫治结束6个月后釉质白斑仍存在者,可经再矿化、漂白、微研磨、渗透树脂和臭氧进行治疗,其中渗透树脂和臭氧前景良好。目前国内外推荐多种防治措施协同应用以最大限度预防脱矿和促进再矿化,虽已取得了较大的突破和进展,但未来仍需加强研究,以确定白斑病变的防治金标准。本文就釉质白斑病变的防治方法及相关进展进行综述。


    [中图分类号]R783.5? ? [文献标志码]A? ? [文章编号]1008-6455(2024)03-0189-05

    Research Progress in Prevention and Treatment of Enamel White Spot Lesions in Fixed Orthodontics

    JIA Wenwen1,FANG Xiangyan1,HUO Qixiao1,WANG Fantao2

    (1.School of Stomatology,Weifang Medical College,Weifang 261053,Shandong,China; 2.Department of? Orthodontics,Affiliated Hospital of Weifang Medical University,Weifang 261035,Shandong,China)

    Abstract: The most common clinical complication of fixed orthodontic treatment is the white spot lesions that can lead to caries and even affect the aesthetics in severe cases, so it is of far-reaching clinical significance to explore safe and effective prevention and treatment measures. The oral hygiene maintenance and fluoride application are preferred among the preventive methods ......

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