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【中图分类号】R713.07 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1008-6455(2010)08-0182-01
Preoperation enem affecting intestinal recovery in gynecologic belly operation
Wang Meng Ding Xingping Hong Qingxiang Feng Li
【Abstract】Objection:To assess the effect of the preoperation enema on the postoperative recoverment of gastroentery in gynecologic belly operation.Methods:A total of 120 patients were devided into 2 groups:preoperative enema(n=60),non-enema(n=60).1 hour preoperative serum potassium changes、the time before reestablisment of excursion and the time of gastroentery recovery were evaluated in both groups.Results:Bowel sounds and bowel function recovery time of the non-enema group was significantly earlier than the enema group (P <0.01), 1 hour intravenous preoperative serum potassium of non-enema group was within normal limits, serum potassium of 25.00% Enema patients (15/60) was lower than 3.5mmol / l,The difference between non-enema and enema groups was significant(P<0.01).Conclusion:It would do the patient good to not to receive enema before belly operation.
【Key words】surgical procedures;intestinal function;enema
1 资料与方法
1.1 临床资料:选取2007年6月-2009年6月在我院妇科行妇科腹部手术的患者120例,其中全子宫切除术42例,卵巢囊肿剥除术38例,子宫肌瘤剔除术40例。腹腔镜手术58例,开腹手术62例,手术均在上午进行,年龄19-70岁,平均44岁。
1.2 方法:120例患者随机分为灌肠组(60例)和不灌肠组(60例),在术前准备、围手术期健康教育、术后护理、术后抗炎补液用药都相同的情况下,灌肠组于术前12小时给予0.1%温肥皂水500ml-1000ml灌肠,不灌肠组术前正常饮食,不做任何胃肠干预。经统计学分析,两组患者在年龄、病种、手术时间、手术方式方面无显著差异。
1.3 观察指标及方法:观察术前1小时患者静脉血钾情况及手术后患者肠鸣音恢复时间、首次肛门排气时间。术前1小时抽取患者静脉血,化验血钾。术后6小时听诊肠鸣音,如无肠鸣音,每隔2小时听诊1次,直至正常。告知患者,记住首次肛门排气时间。制定观察表,准确记录以上数据资料。
1.4 统计学方法:数据用x±s,采用U检验。
2 结果
2.1 不灌肠组肠鸣音和肠功能恢复时间明显早于灌肠组(P<001),不灌肠组术前1小时静脉血清钾均在正常范围内(3.5mmol/l-55 mmol/l),灌肠组血清钾25.00%(15/60)低于3.5mmol/l,不灌肠组和灌肠组相比有显著性差异(P<0 ......