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http://www.100md.com 2011年3月1日 《中国美容医学·综合版》 2011年第3期
     (广西来宾市人民医院口腔科 广西 546100)

    【摘要】目的:探讨正畸治疗在连续多位牙缺失固定义齿修复中的可行性。方法: 所有10个病例采用义齿修复前通过正畸手段向缺隙中央方向移动缺隙两端的天然牙,使连续多牙位缺失变为间隔缺失后,再行固定义齿修复。结果:所有病例均同时获得美观和功能上的恢复,基牙和修复体均稳定,病人满意。结论:正畸治疗在连续多牙位缺失固定义齿修复中的应用效果良好,值得临床推荐.


    Orthodontic treatment in the consecutive teeth missing in the application of fixed partial denture


    【Abstract】 Objective Orthodontic treatment of a number of tooth loss in a row in the feasibility of fixed partial denture. Method All 10 cases before the use of dentures to the lack of clearance by orthodontic means lack of clearance at both ends of the central direction of the natural teeth, missing teeth to become straight and more missing after the interval, re-fixed partial denture. Result All patients were obtained both beautiful and functional recovery, abutments and restorations are stable, patient satisfaction. Conclusion Orthodontic treatment in a continuous multi-tooth fixed partial denture in the absence of good results, is worthy of recommendation. ......

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