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[11] HALASZ CL. Narrowband UVB phototherapy for psoriasis:results with fixed increments by skin type (as opposed to per-centage increments)[J]. Photodermatol Photoimmunol Pho-tomed,1999,15(2):81-84.
[5] OZAWA M, FERENCZI K, KIKUCHI T, et al. 312-nanometer ultraviolet B light (narrow-band UVB) inducesapoptosis of T cells within psoriatic lesions[J]. J Exp Med,1999, 189(4): 711-718.
[6] BANDOW GD,KOO JY.Narrow-band ultraviolet B radiation:areview of the current literature[J].Int J Dermatol, 2004,43(8):555-561.
[7] DUTHIE MS, KIMBER I, NORVAL M. The effects of ul-traviolet radiation on the human immune system[J]. Br J Der-matol, 1999, 140(6): 995-1009.
[8] 冯舸,张美华,毕志刚.窄谱中波紫外线治疗寻常型银屑病临床观察[J].临床皮肤科杂志,2003,32(11):682-683.
[9] DAWE RS, WAINWRIGHT NJ, CAMERON H, et al.Narrow-band (TL-01) ultraviolet B phototherapy for chronicplaque psoriasis: three times or five times weekly treatment?[J]. Br J Dermatol,1998,138(5):833-839.
[10] CAMERON H, DAWE RS, YULE S, et al. A randomized,observer-blinded trial of twice vs. three times weekly narrow-band ultraviolet B phototherapy for chronic plaque psoriasis[J]. Br J Dermatol, 2002,147(5):973-978.
[11] HALASZ CL. Narrowband UVB phototherapy for psoriasis:results with fixed increments by skin type (as opposed to per-centage increments)[J]. Photodermatol Photoimmunol Pho-tomed,1999,15(2):81-84.