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http://www.100md.com 2011年3月1日 《中国美容医学·综合版》 2011年第3期
     (北海市人民医院核医学科 北海 536000)



    Clinical analysis in 37 cases of refractory subacute thyroiditis with JiaKangLing

    Lu mingyi Zhang Xuehui

    【Abstract】Objective:To investigate the curative effect of JiaKang-Ling for treating refractory subacute thyroiditis,and drug-withdrawal index.Method All patients(n37) with subacute thyroiditis were traeded with glucocorticoid in two weeks but the healing efficacy was not good, giving the oral medication with JiaKangLing three times and 7 tablets every day.Result JiaKangLing has a good curative effect with a shorter treatment course ......
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