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【摘要】 目的观察龙氏正骨推拿治疗神经根型颈椎病的临床疗效,探讨其有效性及安全性。方法 采用随机对照方法将242例神经根型颈椎病患者随机分为观察组(龙氏正骨推拿治疗组)与对照组(传统推拿治疗组)各121例,观察组应用龙氏正骨推拿的放松、正骨、强壮、痛区四步手法治疗,根据颈椎错位类型采用相应的正骨方法,观察2个疗程后的临床疗效。治疗前后采用疼痛量表、颈部残障指数、颈椎病临床评价量表(CASCS)以双盲法进行测评。结果两组组内比较差异有非常显著性意义(P<0.01),提示应用龙氏正骨推拿的四步手法,根据颈椎错位类型采用相应的正骨方法治疗神经根型颈椎病的疗效优于传统推拿治疗。结论 龙氏正骨推拿纠正颈椎错位,能解除对神经根的骨性压迫,对治疗神经根型颈椎病有较好的疗效,值得推广。
【Abstract】 Objective to observe ZhengGu child massage therapy on cervical spondylosis of nerve root type, this paper discusses the clinical curative effect of the effectiveness and safety. Methods 242 subjects were randomized method on cervical spondylosis of nerve root type patients were randomly divided into observation group (ZhengGu child massage therapy group) and control group (traditional massage treatment group) in 121, the observation group application ZhengGu child massage relaxation, ZhengGu, strong, pain area four steps gimmick treatment, according to the corresponding type cervical dislocation ZhengGu method, observe a course of 2 after the clinical curative effect. Before and after treatment with pain scale, neck disabled index, cervical vertebra disease clinical evaluation scale (CASCS) to double-blind evaluation method. The results in two way is significantly different meaning (P < 0.01), indicating that the application of the child ZhengGu massage technique, the four steps according to the corresponding type cervical dislocation ZhengGu method to treat cervicalspondy-lotic radiculopathy curative effect of better than traditional massage therapy. Conclusion massage ZhengGu child correct cervical dislocation, can remove to the nerve root of osseous oppression, to treat cervicalspondy-lotic radiculopathy has good effect, is worthy to be popularized.
神经根型颈椎病(cervical spondylotic radiculopathy CSR)是颈椎病中最常见的类型之一,在颈椎病发病中占60%以上。其主要表现为受压神经根支配范围的麻木、疼痛和功能障碍。随着社会的发展,颈椎病发病率已成为外科或骨科发病率之首。非手术治疗是颈椎病的主要治疗方法,正骨推拿是治疗CSR应用最多的方法。我院自2006年至2009年应用龙氏正骨推拿手法治疗CSR,取得较好疗效,现报道如下。
1 资料与方法
1.1 临床资料: 选择2006年1月-2009年12月我院门诊及住院的CSR 496例,从中筛选出符合本研究标准的样本242例(均符合1992年第二届颈椎病专题座谈会指定的标准)⑴,并经颈椎X线正侧、双斜位片、MRI、CT证实 ......