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http://www.100md.com 2011年4月1日 张慧英 姚兴伟 李娟 周琨


     【摘要】目的: 探讨小切口、保留腋窝皮肤、大汗腺切除治疗腋臭的临床疗效。方法:对比分析微创腋臭根治术410例(A组820侧)与传统腋臭切除术60例(B组120侧)的治疗结果并随访1年。结果:A组无切口感染、 皮瓣坏死、切口裂开、上肢活动受限,复发率为0.5%。治愈率99.5%。瘢痕小。B组切口感染3%,皮瓣坏死10%,切口裂开23%,3~6个月上肢活动受限30%,复发率12%,治愈率88%。瘢痕粗大。A组与B组比较切口感染、皮瓣坏死、切口裂开、上肢活动受限、治愈率和复发率均有显著性差异(P<0.01)结论: 微创腋臭根治术病因治疗彻底、并发症少、疗效好、微创、优于传统手术,且治疗年龄还可提前。是一种理想的腋臭手术方式。


    Micro creates the underarm odor root governing skill and the traditional underarm odor excision method treatment underarm odor clinical comparison research

    Zhang Huiying Yao Xingwei Li Juan zhou kun

    【Abstract】Objective: Discusses the small margin, the retention armpit skin, the big sweat gland excision treatment underarm odor clinical curative effect. Method: The contrastive analysis micro creates the underarm odor root governing skill 410 examples (A group of 820 sides) with the traditional underarm odor excision method 60 examples (B group of 120 sides) the treatment result and makes a follow-up visit for 1 year. Result: A group of non-margin infection, skin petal necrosis, the margin split, the upper limb activity to receive limit, the recurrence rate is 0.5%. Cure rate 99.5%. The scar is small. B group of margin infects 3%, skin petal necrosis 10%, the margin splits 23%, 3~6 month upper limb activity is limited 30%, recurrence rate 12%., cure rate 88%. The scar is thick. A group compares the margin infection, skin petal necrosis, the margin with B group to split, the upper limb activity to limit, the cure rate and the recurrence rate has the significance difference (P<0.01) Conclusion: Micro creates the underarm odor root governing skill cause of disease treatment to be thorough, the complication are few, the curative effect good, micro creates, surpasses the traditional surgery, and the treatment age may also be ahead of time. Is one ideal underarm odor surgery way.

    【key】 Underarm odor;Small incision;Big sweat gland excision;Skin retain armpit, Minimally invasive


    腋臭是年轻人常见的一种大汗腺疾病,虽不影响患者躯体健康,但对其心理健康和日常生活影响较大。腋臭治疗方法很多,但最彻底的治疗还是外科手术。传统的外科手术将腋窝腋毛区皮肤切除治疗腋臭疗效确切 ......
