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【摘要】目的观察和评价多西他赛联合替吉奥胶囊(S-1)治疗晚期非小细胞肺癌的临床疗效和毒副作用。方法84例晚期非小细胞肺癌患者均经病理组织学检查确诊。多西他赛75mg/m2,静脉滴注(第1天);替吉奥胶囊80mg/(m2·d),2次/d,连服14d,停药7d,21d为1个周期,连用2周期后评价疗效。结果84例患者均可评价,完全缓解(CR) 16例,部分缓解(PR) 31例,稳定(SD) 24例,恶化(PD) 13例。主要毒副作用为个别患者血红蛋白减少,血小板减少,但均可以耐受。结论多西他赛与替吉奥联合治疗晚期非小细胞肺癌有较好的临床疗效,毒副作用比较轻,患者均可以耐受,可改善患者的生存质量,延长生存时间。
【关键词】非小细胞肺癌; 联合化疗; 多西他赛; 替吉奥胶囊
Combination of docetaxel and S-1 in the treatment of advanced non-small cell lung cancer
Wan Li Li Fengyu Wang Shuqi
【Abstract】ObjectiveTo observe and evaluate the clinical effect and toxic and side reactions of the combination of docetaxel and S-1 in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer. Methods28 previous patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer were treated with docetaxel plus S-1. Chemotherapy consisted of docetaxel 75mg/m2 intravenously in the first day of a 21day cycle, concurrently with S-1 80mg/(m2·d) given orally twice a day on days 1 to 14, the evaluation of efficacy and toxicity were performed on all patients after 2 cycles. ResultsAll the cases were evaluable for efficacy, among the 84 cases, there were 16 cases of CR, 31 cases of PR, 24 cases of SD and 13 cases of PD. The major toxic and side reaction included the decrease of hmoglobin, thrombocytopenia and electrocardiogram normality
in a few cases. All the side effects could be tolerated by the patients. Conclusion The compound combination of docetaxel and S-1 are effective in the treatment of advanced non-small cell lung cancer with moderate side effects and safety in clinical practice, can imp rove the life (QOL) quality and increase the survival time of the patients.
【Key words】Advanced non-small cell lung cancer; Combined chemotherapy; Docetaxel; S-1
肺癌是最常见的恶性肿瘤之一,其发病率及死亡率呈逐年上升的趋势。肺癌中非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC) 约占80%。其发病隐匿,确诊时约2/3的患者已失去手术机会,故全身化疗在晚期非小细胞肺癌治疗中占有重要地位。目前,超过50%的晚期非小细胞肺癌患者在确诊时已超过65岁,30%发生于70岁以上患者。而多项研究均提示顺铂是惟一能提高生存率和改善预后的化疗药物,因此许多新药都倾向与铂类联用。
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料: 本组共84例,均为经病理组织学和(或)细胞学检查证实的晚期非小细胞肺癌患者,Kamofsky评分≥60分,有可测量的临床、X线或CT片等观察指标。男52例,女32例。年龄40~84岁,中位年龄63岁。初治者48例,复治者36例,复治者超过4周未化疗。其中腺癌44例,鳞癌40例。TNM分期: Ⅲb期48例,Ⅳ期36例。
1.2 治疗方法: 多西他赛75mg/m2,加入5%葡萄糖250m1中静脉滴注1h,第1天;替吉奥胶囊80mg/(m2·d),2次/d,连服14d,停药7d,21d为1个周期,化疗第1天给予5-HT3受体拮抗剂及地塞米松预防止吐。每例至少治疗2个周期后评价疗效,有效者化疗4周期以上,化疗期间查血常规2次/周,肝肾功能、电解质1次/周。
1.3 观察指标及疗效评定标准: 疗效评价根据WHO实体瘤疗效标准评价,分为完全缓解(CR)、部分缓解(PR)、疾病稳定(SD)和疾病进展(PD)。近期有效率(%)完全缓解(CR)+部分缓解(PR)。
1.4 不良反应评定: 按照WHO抗癌药物急性与亚急性毒性分级标准评定。
2 结果
2.1 疗效: 本组84例患者中,CR16例(19%),PR31例(37%),SD 24例(28.6%),PD 13例(15.4%)。
2.2 毒性反应: 全组病例中 ......