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http://www.100md.com 2011年6月1日 《中国美容医学·综合版》 2011年第6期


    【中图分类号】R473.74 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1008-6455(2011)12-0039-02

    Mental disorders in elderly esophageal cancer patients causes and nursing

    Wen Hongying

    【Abstract】Objective: To investigate elderly patients with esophageal cancer after surgery because of mental disorders, find preoperative and postoperative care and prevention strategies; Methods: 26 elderly patients with esophageal cancer after surgery for analysis of mental disorders; Results: Effective care measures, 24 cases of elderly patients the symptoms disappeared 1-5 days cured 15 to 20 days, 2 patients refused to cooperate with, left the hospital; Conclusion: Elderly patients with esophageal cancer after surgery because of mental disorders in addition to age factor, the main individual factors, environmental factors, surgical trauma, and changes in the state of the body, to take timely, targeted prevention and care measures, can reduce postoperative spirit of the incidence of complications and improve treatment of elderly esophageal cancer. ......
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