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http://www.100md.com 2016年2月23日 《财经界》 2010年第4期
     [摘 要]自MM定理提出至今,有关资本结构与企业价值的理论研究层出不穷,尤其是实证研究取得了很大进展,但基于不同的研究对象以及衡量企业价值的指标选择不同,研究结论不尽相同。本文以我国民营上市公司为分析对象,,运用因子分析方法将这些指标综合成彼此互不相关的少数几个主因子。在此基础上,用主因子对公司价值作多元回归分析,得出我国民营上市公司资本结构与企业价值之间存在正相关关系,但最优资本结构点及其对企业价值的效用尚未体现。

    [Abstract] Since the MM theorem has been put forward, the researches of the relationship between the capital structure and enterprise value have emerged in endlessly, especially empirical researches have made great progress. But based on the different subjects, as well as the different choices of the indicators that measure the value of the enterprises, the research conclusions will be different. This paper will focus on the nongovernmental listed companies, and the indexes are synthesized into a few principal factors using factor analysis. These principal factors as independent variables and enterprise value as dependent variables are used in a regression analysis. The result in this paper proves that the capital structure has positive relation with the enterprise value, but the optimal capital structure and its impact on the effectiveness of the enterprise value has not yet reflects. ......

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