摘 要:从古籍文献对灸量、灸量的衡量标准的论述以及现在有关灸量的研究方面入手,全面分析灸量的意义和灸量对疗效的影响作用,阐述深入研究灸量的意义,旨在引起临床医务工作者和科研人员重视灸量的临床和实验研究,为灸量的客观化和标准化提供临床和实验依据,促使灸法向更客观化和科学化方向发展。关键词:灸量;意义;认识
Cognition and Significance of Quantitative Moxibustion
KOU Suotang,WU Huangan,LIU Huirong,CHEN Yuelai,LIU Ligong,CHEN Yunfei,CHEN Hanping,WANG Siyou,HUA Xuegui,ZHOU Enhua
(Shanghai University of Chinese Medicine,Shanghai 201203,China)
Abstract:This essay discuss the significance of quantitative moxibustion and the influence of quantitative moxibustion on therapeutic effect from the ancient literature and contemporary research literature that concerned with the quantitative moxibustion. To explain the significance of study to quantitative moxibustion.To intend the evocation of clinical medical worker and researcher to think highly of the quantitative moxibustion. To provid clinical and experimental proof TO objectivise and standard quantitative moxibustion. Promote quantitative moxibustion to objectivise and standard. ......
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