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http://www.100md.com 2010年4月1日 《中华中医药学刊》 2010年第4期
     摘 要:抑郁症是一种包括多种精神症状和躯体症状的复杂的情感性精神障碍,抑郁症属中医学中的情志疾病。抑郁症虽临床表现不一,但都有共同病因,即情志不遂,气机失调是抑郁症的基本病机,脏腑功能紊乱,产生抑郁症状。中医学虽无抑郁症病名,但有关抑郁症状的论述却见之于古代医籍中,包括:郁证、癫病、梅核气、百合病、脏躁等。就古代抑郁症从七情致病的原因、特点、调摄等诸多方面论述了中医学所包含的丰富的情志学思想和内容。


    中图分类号:R749.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1673-7717(2010)04-0866-03

    Analysis of Depression-Related Emotional Diseases

    LIU Tsingxian, MA Xiaoling

    (Departments of Neurology, Pinghu Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Pinghu 314200,Zhejiang,China)

    Abstract:Depression is a complicated emotional psychosis with various mental and somatic symptoms. Depression remains the emotional disease in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Although its clinical behaviors are different, there is an identical cause, is motional disturbance. The dysfunction of qi activity is the essential pathogenesis. which lead to a disorder of organs' function, give rise to a serial depression symptoms. There were may descriptions of syndromes and symptoms relevant of similar to depression in the ancient medical books. Depression-related illnesses in TCM can be found unevenly, They are depressed syndrome, depressed psychosis, globus hysteritis, lily disease and hysteria etc. From the aspects of the reason,characteristics and recuperation, to discusses the plentiful thought and content of psychology in TCM. ......
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