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http://www.100md.com 2011年3月1日 丁宝刚,孟庆刚

     (北京中医药大学,北京 100029)

    摘 要:系统思维是以系统论为指导的思维模式。而系统论虽然产生于当代西方社会,但其思想在我国古已有之,并影响着中医理论的发展方向。从系统论的4个基本原理(整体性原理、联系性原理、动态性原理、有序性原理)入手,分析系统思维在《黄帝内经》中的具体体现,从而说明古人研究中医之时已经运用系统思维,并在此基础上取得了很大成就。研究此,旨在探索古人研究中医的思维方式,并希望能为今天中医的研究提供一点思维方式上的启示。



    Explore the Application of Systematic Thinking in Huangdi's Internal Classic

    DING Bao-gang, MENG Qing-gang

    (Beijing University of Chinese Medicine,Beijing 100029, China)

    Abstract:Systematic thinking is a thinking style that is under the guidance of system theory. Although system theory is originated in modern west society, its ideology had existed in China in ancient times and affected the direction of the theory of Chinese medicine. This article analyzes the systematic thinking in Huangdi's Internal Classic from the angle of system theory's four basic principles, which are holism principle, relativity principle, dynamic principle and orderliness principle. Then it shows that the ancients applied systematic thinking to studying Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and accomplished lots achievements. This research is to explore the thinking style of the ancients in studying TCM and give some inspiration to thinking style in TCM study.

    Key words:thinking style; system theory; Huangdi's Internal Classic





    思维方式是人在一定的世界观和方法论基础上所形成的认识事物、研究问题和处理问题的思维模式。思维方式一旦形成,就是该历史时期人们相对稳定的思维格局或思维定势,影响和导引着人们的认识活动和实践活动[1] ......
