Dyspnea Syndrome in Treatise on Febrile Disease
GONG Chenjun
(Respiration Department of Affiliated Hospital of Liaoning University of TCM,Shenyang 110032,Liaoning,China)
Abstract:Seventeen dyspnea syndromes mentioned in Treatise on Febrile Disease are classified, according to their syndromes: dyspnea without sweating, dyspnea with sweating, dyspnea with fullness sensation in the chest or stomach, slight dyspnea and dyspnea with cold, and so on. It can be analyzed about Zhongjing’s inhibition in treating dyspnea.
Key words:Treatise on Febrile Disease; dyspnea; dyspnea syndromes; syndrome; diagnosis and treatment
作者简介:宫成军(1972-) ......
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