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摘 要:目的:采用临床流行病学调查方法分析抑郁症患者中医证型的分布特点,探讨其不同证型的发生发展规律,为抑郁症的中医防治及建立其常见的中医证候标准提供依据和思路。 方法:采用临床流行病学调查方法将解放军总医院心理科确诊为抑郁症的患者 906例,进行中医临床证型的辨证分型,进而进行年龄、性别及职业的统计分析。 结果:抑郁症中医证型中,心肝失调型显著多于其他类型(219例,24%,P<0.05)。30~49岁为本病高发年龄段(459例,51%,P<0.05)。青少年以阴虚火旺型为主(39例,30%,P<0.05),老年人则以气郁痰阻型最为多见(63例,31%,P<0.05)。在性别上女性多于男性,但无统计学意义(1∶1, P>0.05)。职业上以服务类行业人群、公务员及军人更为多见(495例,55%,P<0.05)。 结论:抑郁症以心肝失调型为为主,其显著多于其它类型,基本符合中医理论的认识规律。但其年龄、性别、职业分布中又有着其自身的特点。本研究为临床更好进行抑郁症的防治提供了重要基础和依据。
Cilincal Study of Traditional Chinese Medicine Syndrome of Depression
SUN Zhi-gao1, HUANG Quan-zhi1,FENG Jie2,CHEN Li-ping1
(1.Department of TCM, PLA General Hospital,Beijing 100853,China;
2.Department of Medical Psychology, PLA General Hospital, Beijing 100853,China)
Abstract:Objective:To study the syndromes distribution of depression in TCM, investigate the epidemiological factors, and give methods and ideas for the treatment of depression in TCM.Methods:Assign 906 patients with depression that diagnosed in the PLA General Hospital psychologist to each group, then statistical analysis in age, sex and occupations was made. Results:In the TCM syndrome type of depression, heart and liver disorder was an example type (219cases, 24 %, P<0.05), significantly more than other types. 30-49 years old age is the high-based stage for the disease (459cases, 51%, P<0.05). Yin deficiency and five excess is the main type for the youth(39cases, 30%, P<0.05). Qi depression and phlegn obstruction is the main type for the elder(63cases, 31%, P<0.05) .More women than men in sex, however, no significant statistically(1∶1, P>0.05). Service industry people, civil servants and the military personnel are the main groups in the occupations(495cases, 55%, P<0.05).Conclusion:In the TCM syndrome type of depression, heart and liver disorder was an example type, significantly more than other types. However, age, sex and occupation of the depression also have their own characteristics.
Key words:depression; TCM syndrome-type; population analysis
抑郁症(depression)是情感类精神障碍性疾病(mood disorders)的主要类型 ......