当前位置: 首页 > 期刊 > 《中医药学刊》 > 2012年第4期 > 正文
http://www.100md.com 2012年4月1日 骆乐,詹冀栋,钟爱芳,张眉月


     摘 要:目的:通过对杭州市60 岁以上离退休老年人群进行中医体质辨识调查,分析老年人群的体质类型的特征,从而为中医体质分类理论在老年人疾病防治、养生保健、健康管理等方面的应用提供流行病学调查数据的支持。方法:根据中华中医医学会《中医体质分类与判定》,采用调查问卷方法实施中医体质辨识。结果:平和质227例,占39.82%;8种偏颇体质343 例,占60.18%。体重指数、不良生活习惯与不同偏颇体质类型,分布构成比不同,差异具有显著意义(P<0.05) 。结论:本次研究通过对杭州市离退休老年人中医体质流行病学调查,客观分析了不同老年人群的体质特征,揭示了老年人群中医体质类型的分布规律,有助于把握老年人体质特点,为进一步调理老年偏颇体质,提高老年人健康素质具有重要的实用价值。





    Analysis on Syndrome Differentiation of Traditional Chinese Medicine Constitution in Elderly Population of Hangzhou

    LUO Le, ZHAN Ji-dong, ZHONG Ai-fang, ZHANG Mei-yue

    (Wuyun Mountain Sanatorium of Hangzhou, Hangzhou 310008, Zhejiang,China)

    Abstract:Objective: To analyze the characters of constitutions in the retired elderly population(≥60 years) through a survey of the traditional Chinese medicine constitution,which provided the epidemiological data for supporting and application of constitution theory in the elderly population such as prevention health,health care and health management. Method: According to Classification and Judgment of Constitutions in Chinese Medicine made by Traditional Chinese Medicine Branch of Chinese Medical Association,questionnaires were conducted to make constitution analyses. Result: Of all the population,gentleness type accounted for 39.82%,and eight pathological constitutions for 60.18%. The composition ratio of constitutional types in BMI and bad habits were different,and there was statistical differences (P<0.05). Conclusion: The study analyzes the characters of constitutions in different groups of aged people,describes the distribution regularity of constitutional types of Chinese medicine in elderly population through epidemiological investigation of constitutional types of Chinese medicine in the elderly population of Hangzhou. It helps to have a clear picture of the characters of constitutions in the retired elderly population,and it's of great value to adjust the pathological constitution and improve the health in the aged.

    Key words:aged; traditional Chinese medicine constitution classification; syndrome

    中医体质是指在人体生命过程中,在先天禀赋和后天获得的基础上所形成的形态结构、生理功能和心理状态方面综合的、相对稳定的固有特质 ......
