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摘 要:目的:观察分析长期小剂量中成药鼻渊舒胶囊治疗慢性鼻-鼻窦炎(CRS)的疗效。方法:将不伴息肉的CRS患者依就诊时间顺序随机分为鼻渊舒组和对照组。鼻渊舒组24例患者口服鼻渊舒胶囊0.9g(0.3g/粒),1次/天(前2周3次/天;接下来的2周2次/天),使用12周;对照组24例患者口服克拉霉素片0.25g,1次/天(前2周为2次/天),使用12周。治疗前后采用视觉模拟量表(visual analogres scale, VAS)和Lund-Mackey鼻窦CT评分对患者疗效进行主、客观评估。结果:鼻渊舒组治疗后VAS、鼻窦CT平均得分为4.42±1.53和5.68±2.43,显著低于治疗前7.42±1.09和8.92±2.64,治疗前后比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01);克拉霉素组治疗后VAS、鼻窦CT平均得分为3.54±1.84和3.75±2.59,显著低于治疗前7.42±1.09和8.92±2.64,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01)。治疗后鼻渊舒组与克拉霉素组比较,两组VAS评分差异无统计学意义(t =1.789,P>0.05),而两组鼻窦CT评分差异有统计学意义(t =2.527,P<0.05)。 结论:12周小剂量的中成药鼻渊舒胶囊治疗CRS有效,但该药在鼻窦CT影像学评估的改善程度上不及小剂量大环内酯类药物克拉霉素。
Effect Evaluation of Biyuanshu Capsule Treating Chronic Rhinosinusitis
with Long Course and Low Dosage
LIU Ju-bo,LI Xian-hua,ZHANG Jun-zhong,TAN Yi,LU Xiang,LIU Li-ya,LI Qiang,YANG Xiao-xia,FENG Zhi-jian,HONG Yi-chun
(First Rongjun Hospital of Guangdong,Guangzhou 510260,Guangdong,China)
Abstract:Objective:To observe the clinical treatment effect of Biyuanshu Capsule on treating chronic rhinosinusitis(CRS).Methods:48 patients with CRS were randomly assigned into two groups. 24 patients in Biyuanshu group were administered Biyuanshu capsule 0.9g once a day(0.9g t.i.d in first 2 weeks and 0.9g b.i.d in following 2 weeks)for 12 weeks. 24 patients in control group were administered clarithromycin tablet 0.25g once a day(0.25g b.i.d in first 2 weeks was)for 12 weeks. The effect was evaluated by visual analogres scale(VAS)and Lund-Macksy CT mark system.Results:The VAS and CT image mark significantly decreased to 4.42±1.53 and 5.68±2.43(P<0.01)in the Biyuanshu group while 3.54±1.84 and 3.75±2.59(P<0.01)in the control group after treatment.There was no significant difference of the VAS(t=1.789,P>0.05)between the two groups,while there was significant difference of CT image mark(t=2.527,P<0.05)between the two groups.Conclusion:Long-term use of low dosage Biyuanshu Capsule treating CRS has effect. Biyuanshu Capsule was not as good as clarithromycin on improving the CT image after the treatment.
Key words:Biyuanshu;clarithromycin;sinusitis;chronic;longer course and lower dosage therapy ......