[1] Loverro G, Lorusso F,Mei L,et al.The plasma homocysteine levels are increased in polycystic ovary syndrome[J].Gynecol Obstet Invest. 2002,53(3):157.
[2] Yarali H,Yildirir A,Aybar F,et al. Diastolicdysfunction and in-creased serum homocysteineconcentrations may contribute to in-creased cardiovascular risk in patientswith polycystic ovary syn-drome[J].Fertil Steril,2001,76(3):511.
[3] Seghieri G,Breschi MC,Anichini R,et al.Serum homocysteine levelsare increased in women with gestational diabetes mellitus[J]. Meta-bolism,2003,52(6):720.
[4] Ayar A,Celik H,Ozcelik O,et al.Homocysteine-induced enhance-ment of spontaneous contractions of myometrium isolated from preg-nant women[J].Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand,2003,82(9):789.
[5] 梁 伟,赵列宾,王 巍,等.2型糖尿病合并冠心病患者血清同型半胱氨酸水平的研究[J].中华内分泌代谢杂志,2002,18:311.
[6] Meigs JB,Jacques PF,Selhub J,et al.Fasting plasma homocysteine levels in the insulin resistance syndrome: the Framingham offspring study[J].Diabetes Care,2001,24(8):1403.
[7] McCarty MF.Insulin secretion as a potential determinant of homocys-teine levels[J].Med Hypotheses,2000,55(5):454.
[8] BELLAMY M F,MC DOWELL I F,RAMSEY M W, et al,Oral fo-late enhances endot helial function in hyperhomocysteinaemic sub-jects(see comments)[J].Eur J Clin znvest,1999,29:8659.
[9] 景冬樱,王树人,杨志梅,等.同型半胱氨酸对内皮细胞及脂质过氧化的影响[J].中国动脉硬化杂志,1999,7(2):128.
收稿日期:2008-04-07, http://www.100md.com(方艳梅)
[1] Loverro G, Lorusso F,Mei L,et al.The plasma homocysteine levels are increased in polycystic ovary syndrome[J].Gynecol Obstet Invest. 2002,53(3):157.
[2] Yarali H,Yildirir A,Aybar F,et al. Diastolicdysfunction and in-creased serum homocysteineconcentrations may contribute to in-creased cardiovascular risk in patientswith polycystic ovary syn-drome[J].Fertil Steril,2001,76(3):511.
[3] Seghieri G,Breschi MC,Anichini R,et al.Serum homocysteine levelsare increased in women with gestational diabetes mellitus[J]. Meta-bolism,2003,52(6):720.
[4] Ayar A,Celik H,Ozcelik O,et al.Homocysteine-induced enhance-ment of spontaneous contractions of myometrium isolated from preg-nant women[J].Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand,2003,82(9):789.
[5] 梁 伟,赵列宾,王 巍,等.2型糖尿病合并冠心病患者血清同型半胱氨酸水平的研究[J].中华内分泌代谢杂志,2002,18:311.
[6] Meigs JB,Jacques PF,Selhub J,et al.Fasting plasma homocysteine levels in the insulin resistance syndrome: the Framingham offspring study[J].Diabetes Care,2001,24(8):1403.
[7] McCarty MF.Insulin secretion as a potential determinant of homocys-teine levels[J].Med Hypotheses,2000,55(5):454.
[8] BELLAMY M F,MC DOWELL I F,RAMSEY M W, et al,Oral fo-late enhances endot helial function in hyperhomocysteinaemic sub-jects(see comments)[J].Eur J Clin znvest,1999,29:8659.
[9] 景冬樱,王树人,杨志梅,等.同型半胱氨酸对内皮细胞及脂质过氧化的影响[J].中国动脉硬化杂志,1999,7(2):128.
收稿日期:2008-04-07, http://www.100md.com(方艳梅)