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收稿日期:2008-05-15, http://www.100md.com(范丽苑 涂 玲)
[1] 范丽苑,涂 玲.p38MAPK介导神经损伤的研究进展[J]. 国际神经病学神经外科学杂志,2007,34(5):477.
[2] Armstong DM,Brady R,Hersh LB,et al.Expression of choline acetyl-tronsferase and nerve growth factor receptor within hypoglossal mo-toneurons following nerve injury[J].The journal of comparative neu-rology,1991,304:596.
[3] Bussmann KAV,Sofroniew MV.Re-expression of P75 by adult motor neurons after axotomy is triggered by retrograde transport of a posi-tive signal from axons regrowing through damaged or denervated pe-ripheral nerve tissue[J]. Neuroscience,1999,91(1):273.
[4] 周长满,鄂玲玲,彭仁优.骨骼肌提取液对大鼠坐骨神经损伤所致腰段脊髓腹角和背根节神经细胞溃变的影响[J].神经解剖学杂志,1995,11(1):19.
[5] Wu DC,Ye W,Che XM,et al.Activation of Mitogen-Activated Pro-tein Kinases After Permanent Cerehral Artery Occlusion in Mouse Brain[J].Cereb Blood Flow Metab,2000,20(9):1320.
[6] Wang XJ,Kong KM,Qi WL,et al. Interleukin-1 beta induction of neuron apoptosis depends on p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase activity after spinal cord injury[J].Acta Pharmacologica Sinica,2005,26(8):934.
[7] Kim SY,Bae JC,Kim JY,et al.Activation of p38 MAP kinase in the rat dorsal root ganglia and spinal cord following peripheral inflamma-tion and nerve injury[J].Neuroreport,2002,13(18):2483.
收稿日期:2008-05-15, http://www.100md.com(范丽苑 涂 玲)