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收稿日期:2008-06-23, http://www.100md.com(欧阳红娟 张 琍)
[3] VigneswaranN,Beckers S,Waigel S,etal.Increased EMMPRIN(CD147) expression during oral carcinogenesis [J].ExpMol Pathol,2006,80(2):147.
[4] Tang W,Hemler ME.Caveolin-1 regulates MMP-1 inductionand CD147/EMMPRIN cell surfaceclustering [J]. JBiolChem,2004,279(12):11112.
[5] Jia L,Wang S,Zhou H,etal.Caveolin-1 up-regulates CD147 glyco-sylation and theinvasive capability of murine hepatocarcinoma cel-lines[J].Int J Biochem Cell Biol,2006,38(9):1584.
[6] Vlodav sky I,FriedmannY,Elkin M,et al. Mammalianhep-aranase:genecloning,expression and function intumor progression and metas-tasis[J].Nat Med,1999,5(7):793.
[7] Dong J,Kukula AK,Toyoshima M,et al.Genomic organization and chromo some localization of thenewly identified human heparanase gene[J].Gene,2000,253(2):171178.
[8] McKenzie E,Tyson K,Stamps A,etal.Cloning and expression Profil-ing of Hap2,a novel mamma lian heparanase family member[J].Bio-chem BiophysRes Commun,2000,276(3):1170.
[9] Marehetti D,LIJ,ShenR,Asrtoeytese on tribute to htebarin metas-taties Peeifieity of melanomaeells by Produeing heParnaase[J].Can-cer Res,2000,60:4757.
[10] The degradation of humna end othelialeel lderived perleen an adre-lease of bound basiefibroblastgrovhafetor by stromely sin,eollgae-nase,plasmin,and heParnaase[J].J Biol Chm,1996,271:10079.
收稿日期:2008-06-23, http://www.100md.com(欧阳红娟 张 琍)