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http://www.100md.com 2009年3月1日 《大家健康》 2009年第3期

     【摘要】目的:为了解心理干预和健康教育对地震灾害现场志愿者的作用和意义。方法:选取地震灾害现场参加救援的志愿者在地震知识、防疫、心理应激等方面给于针对性的健康教育。结果:通过及时有效的健康教育,增加了志愿者们的抗震、防疫知识,提高了他们应对灾害的能力,预防了疫情,降低了灾后心理应激障碍的发生。结论 及时有效的健康教育对提高灾害现场志愿者心理防御机制具有重大意义。


    The significance of health education to volunteer in the earth quakeAbstract:To enhance the ability of reply the diaster by health educatioin. Methodes:We had done health education to the volunteer in earth quake in 3 sides:the knowledge of earth quake,epidemic prevention and psychological stress. Results:We enhanced the volunteer’s ability of repling the diasterand prevedted the plague and depressed the occurence of psychological stress.

    Concludes:there had been great sense in health education to volunteer in the earthquake

    【中图分类号】R169.1 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1009-6019-(2009)-03-0120-1

    通过对灾害现场志愿者的健康教育 ......

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