文章编号:1009_816X(2011) 05_0356_03
Clinical Diagnostic Value of Auditory Event Related Potentials on Ear ly Stage Vascular Cognitive Impairmen.LAN Li_kang, QU Jian_zhou, DOU Zhi_ping. Lishui People's Hospital, Zhejiang323000,China
[Abstract] Objective To study the electrophysiological feature s in patients withearly vascular cognitive impairment (VCI), provide the basis for the diagnosis o f non-dementia of vascular cognitive impairment (VCIND), and to explore the neur opsychological characteristics and the possible pathophysiology mechanism.Methods50 patients with vascular cognitive impairment, but below the standard of va scular dementia were divided into subcortical ischemic VCIND group (n=25)and cor tical ischemic VCIND group (n=25), and the 20 normal controls (NC) were enrolled . All of them received the P300 test.Results Subcortical ischemic VCIND and co rtical ischemic VCIND groups had extended latency and reduced volatility of P300compared with the normal control group; subcortical ischemic VCIND group had lo nger P300 latency than that of in cortical ischemic VCIND group, but there was n o significant differences in volatility between two groups.Conclusions VCIND patients had P300 latency and amplitude abnorm alities, particularly in subcortical ischemic VCIND patients, and related to itsneuropsychological characteristics. P300 may be as an indicator of early diagno sis of VCI. ......
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