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http://www.100md.com 2014年3月1日 中国医药实践杂志 2014年第3期
     摘要:目的 分析引起药物性肝炎的主要病因、临床特点及转归。方法 回顾我院2008年1月至2012年12月收治的139例药物性肝炎的用药情况、临床表现、治疗及转归。结果 导致药物性肝炎的药物多为抗结核药、抗肿瘤药、抗生素、心血管系统用药、中药、口服降糖药、解热镇痛药等,临床表现为发热、乏力、食欲不振、尿黄、皮肤巩膜黄染,预后良好。结论 引起药物性肝炎的药物种类多,临床医务工作者应提高对本病的重视程度及加强用药监管力度。

    Abstract: objective to analyze drug caused by hepatitis main etiology, clinical characteristics and outcome. Methods a retrospective review from January 2008 to December 139 cases of drug were hepatitis treatment, clinical manifestations, treatment and outcome. The results lead to drug hepatitis drugs for TB drugs, antitumor medicine, antibiotics, cardiovascular system medicine, Chinese medicine, oral medicine, antipyretic and analgesic, etc., the clinical symptoms of fever, fatigue, loss of appetite, urine yellow, skin sclera yellow dye, prognosis is good. Conclusion cause drug hepatitis drug types, clinical and medical workers should improve the value of medicine and strengthen supervision dynamics.

    药物性肝炎是指由药物本身或其代谢产物引起的肝脏损害[1] ......

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