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http://www.100md.com 2013年4月1日 《好家长·青春期教育》 20134
     A Pen as Large as a Rafter

    [Source] Book of Jin – Wang Xun Biography, compiled and edited during the Tang Dynasty (618-907).


    【Interpretation】Literally means a big pen as large as a roof beam. Used to describe great writers or masterpieces. Often used as a compliment on someone’s writing skills.


    Wang Xun (349-400) was a scholar during the Dong Jin Dynasty(317-420). He was intelligent and good at both prose and poem writing. At the age of 20, Wang Xun was hired by Huan Wen the General (312-373) to be his secretary.


    In order to test Wang Xun’s talents, Huan Wen once had Wang Xun’s speech notes stolen. With the notes missing, however, Wang Xun still gave a marvelous speech, which led to praise and admiration by Huan Wen.


    Wang Xun had a dream one day in which someone gave him a big pen as large as a rafter. When he woke up from the dream, Wang Xun told his family about the dream and said this was a sign that he would do something important.


    Exactly on that morning, the emperor died. As Wang Xun was known to have outstanding writing skills, he was made responsible for drafting the obituary notice as well as all related articles praising the emperor’s lifetime achievements. This task was regarded as a great honor at that time.

    就在这天清晨,晋孝武帝突然死去。由于王珣文笔出众,朝廷要发出的哀策、讣告和孝武帝的谥议等,全部都托付给他起草,这在当时是莫大的殊荣。后人就用这个词,夸赞别人文笔好。, http://www.100md.com