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http://www.100md.com 2013年8月1日 《好家长·青春期教育》 20138
     【Source】 A New Account of the Tales of the World, compiled and edited by Liu Yiqing (403-444) during the Liu Song

    Dynasty (420-479).


    【Interpretation】 Used as a laudatory name for son-in-law in ancient times. Sometimes used to mean being one’s son-in-



    Wang Xizhi (321-379), the famous calligrapher of the Dong Jin Dynasty (316-420), was very talented when he was young. His uncle, Wang Dao the Minister (276-339), also enjoyed high prestige at that time. Therefore, many people came to bring up proposal of marriage with Wang Xizhi.


    Xi Jian (269-339), a courtier of the Dong Jin Dynasty, wanted to connect with the Wang family by marriage, so he sent one of his apprentices to visit Wang Dao and proposed to select a son-in-law from Wang Dao’s sons. Wang Dao agreed and asked the apprentice to take a look at his sons in the east-wing room of the house.


    The apprentice found that each of Wang Dao’s sons was sitting straightly after he came into the room except one. This one had his clothes wide open and was eating on the bed with his bare belly exposed. The apprentice reported to Xi Jian on what he had seen.


    Xi Jian was a person good at recognizing talents and he thought the man lying on the bed with his bare belly exposed must have extraordinary talents. He asked about this man and got to know that he was Wang Xianzhi. He married his daughter to Wang Xizhi without the slightest hesitancy.

    郗鉴慧眼识人,觉得这位在东床上袒露腹部的男子一定有不凡之贤才。一打听,原来那人是王羲之,便把女儿嫁给了他。, 百拇医药