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http://www.100md.com 2013年9月1日 《好家长·青春期教育》 20139
     【Source】 With the establishment of the Dong Jin Dynasty (317-420) in the south of the Yangtze River, many rich and

    famous families moved from the north to the south of the Yangtze River. There was a common saying at that time to describe the situation: More celebrities than carps are moving across the Yangtze River.


    【Interpretation】Used to describe there is plenty of a certain fashionable thing. Later used to indicate there are many people
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    who closely follow the fashion, with some negative implication that they are just blindly following.


    The famous Revolt of Yong Jia took place in the year of 311. Jin’s main troops were defeated by the Xiongnu (an ancient nationality in China) army and the casualties of Jin reached more than ten million. Luoyang, the capital city of Jin, fell into enemies’ hands. The Xiongnu leader, Liu Yao (?-329), had his army not only plunder and kill but also burn the Luoyang city into ashes.
, 百拇医药

    Jin’s people couldn’t bear the bully but failed to stop the Xiongnu army. Therefore, many of them tried to escape to the south. This was regarded as the Southbound Move of Yong Jia in the Chinese history, also known as the Southbound Move of Hat and Clothes. Here the hat and clothes represented civilization. 晋朝百姓不堪欺凌,又难以抵挡匈奴大军,便大批南逃,史称“永嘉南渡”,也称“衣冠南渡”,即中原文明南迁的意思。
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    Since the political situation in the south of the Yangtze River was quite stable, many rich and famous families also moved from the north to the south. Moving together with them were their clansmen and guests, and poor people from the same area. Sometimes, people moving together with a big family could reach tens of thousands.


    This was the first large-scale movement of people from the central plains in the Chinese history. Rich and famous families moved, court officials moved, and even the servants were brought across the Yangtze River. It was described that more celebrities than carps were moving across the Yangtze River.

    这是中原汉人的第一次大规模南迁,整个中原地区的名门望族以及政府官员,连佣人都被带过了长江,南渡的名士更是络绎不绝,人们描绘当时场面壮观,“过江名士多于鲫”。, 百拇医药