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(收稿日期 2009-03-07)(编辑 贺大林), 百拇医药
[6] 常用实验动物脑立体定位图谱.科学出版社-中国人民解放军第二军医大学, 1980年1月
[7] Larry W Forrester , Daniel F Hanley , Richard F Macko , Effects ofTreadmill Exercise on Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation-Induced Excitability toQuadriceps After Stroke. Neurol Clin.2006,Feb,24:Ⅺ-Ⅻ
[8] Todd Allen, William J,Devendra K. Agrawal Morphologic and TemporalAnalysis of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Apoptosis Induced by c-Myc and E1A.SCAN NING,VOL20:577-586(1998)
[9] Deinsberger W,Vogel J,Kuschinsky W,et al.Experimental intracere bral hemorrhage:description of a double injection model in rats [J].Neurol Re s,1996,18(10):475-477
[10] Kaneko M, Tanaka K, Shimada T, et al. Long一term evaluation of Ul tra-early operation for hy- pertensive intracerebral hemorrhage in 100 cases [ J]. Neurosurg,1983,58(6):838-842
[11] Kanno T, Nagata J, Hoshino M, et al. Evaluation of the hypertensi ve intracerebralhematoma based on the study of long-term outcome-part II. A ro le of suygery in putaminal hemorrhage [J].Noshinkei Geka,1986, 14(11):1307-131 1
[12] 李放治,范芳荣,刘蒲生.微创清除术治疗高血压脑出血[J].中华神经 医学杂志,2003,2(4);289-290
[13] 向强,文亮,刘明华,等.高血压脑出血微创手术时间窗的选择研究[J] .中国急救医学,2003,23(1):772
[14] Xue M,del Bigio MR.Intracerebral hemorrhage injury in rats:relati onship between blood fractions and brain cell death.Stoke 2000,31(7):1721-7
(收稿日期 2009-03-07)(编辑 贺大林), 百拇医药