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http://www.100md.com 2022年5月30日 现代养生·上半月 2022年第11期
     何惠惠 孟英婷 余亚莉 尹树升 李洁洁 张媛

    【摘要】? 健康中国战略是我们党和政府为保障人民健康做出的重大战略部署。中医药健康养生文化作为中医药文化的重要组成部分,为保障和护佑中华民族世代健康发挥了重要作用,促进其传承与创新发展对实現健康中国战略具有重要意义。目前,中医药健康养生文化的传承与创新发展面临人才匮乏、缺乏行业规制、挖掘整理不足,缺乏保护机制、创新发展不足等诸多问题,建议通过优化中医药健康养生人才培养机制,充实人才队伍;完善相关管理制度,健全行业监管;注重有效挖掘和整理,健全保护制度;促进多元融合,创新中医药健康养生文化发展模式等方面促进中医药健康养生文化的传承与创新发展,为健康中国建设提供助力。

    【关键词】? 健康中国战略;中医药健康养生文化;传承;创新发展

    中图分类号? R2-03? ? 文献标识码? A? ? 文章编号? 1671-0223(2022)21--05

    Research on problems and countermeasures of cultural inheritance and innovation development of health preservation of Traditional Chinese Medicine from the perspective of Healthy China? He Huihui,Meng Yingting,Yu Yali,Yin Shusheng,Li Jiejie,Zhang Yuan. School of Humanities Management, Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine, Xianyang 712046,China

    【Abstract】? The Healthy China strategy is an important strategic deployment made by our Party and government to ensure people's health. As an important part of TCM culture, TCM health preservation culture plays an important role in safeguarding and protecting the health of the Chinese nation from generation to generation ......

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