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http://www.100md.com 2023年5月30日 现代养生·上半月 2023年第1期
     陈垚竺 刘征

    【摘要】? 形、气、神作为中医生理中的重要概念,指导着气功和针灸。气功和针灸无论从起源还是发展,都有着密切的联系,而具体则体现在调形,调气和调神三方面。文章通过对比研究,认为二者在临床操作中有一定的相似性,并尝试将气功练习中具有可操作性的部分用针灸临床,以期提高临床疗效。

    【关键词】? 气功;针灸;三调

    中图分类号? R214? ? 文献标识码? A? ? 文章编号? 1671-0223(2023)01--03

    Discuss the relationship between acupuncture and Qigong Chen Yaozhu, Liu Zheng. Heilongjiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Harbin 150040, China

    【Abstract】? ?As an important concept in traditional Chinese medicine, Xing Qi Shen instructs qigong and acupuncture. They are closely connected in origin and development,and specifically reflects the Xing, Qi and Shen three aspects. In order to improve the clinical efficacy, this paper uses a comparative study and the conclusion is that the the two have some similarities in the clinical operation and try to apply the operational part of qigong practice to acupuncture clinically.

    【Key words】? ?Qigong;? Acupuncture; Three kinds of regulation

    气功和针灸作为中国古代医学的瑰宝,为人们的健康做出了巨大的贡献。二者无论从理论上或是实践中皆有相当程度的相似性[1]。从源流而言,刘精微[2]认为经络的发现在一定程度上依托于气功练习过程中所发现的经络线。从中医教育而言,范志文[3]认为气功和针灸适宜作为学习中医的基础课程,因其理论和实践紧密结合 ......

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