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http://www.100md.com 2023年5月30日 现代养生·上半月 2023年第1期

    【摘要】? 小儿腹泻,中医称为小儿泄泻,是儿科常见的消化性疾病,临床以大便次数增多,粪质稀薄为主要临床表现,发病率高,进展快,容易导致水电解质紊乱及酸碱平衡失调,严重的会危及到生命。西医主要以抗菌、抗病毒等对症支持治疗。近年来抗生素的副作用日益显现出来,加之儿童用药的依从性较低。因此中医治疗方法越来越受到大家的青睐。笔者在临床上采用小儿推拿结合艾灸治疗小儿腹泻,疗效显著,现将治疗体会总结如下,供大家参考。

    【关键词】? 小儿腹泻;小儿推拿;艾灸

    中图分类号? R244.1? ? 文献标识码? A? ? 文章编号? 1671-0223(2023)01--03

    Three cases of infantile diarrhea treated by massage combined with moxibustion Guo Qin. Bijie Medical College, Bijie 551700, China

    【Abstract】? Diarrhea in children is a common digestive disease in pediatrics. The main clinical manifestations are increased frequency of stool and fecal thin. The incidence is high and the progress is fast, which can easily lead to water and electrolyte disorders and acid-base balance disorders. Western medicine mainly uses antibacterial, antiviral and other symptomatic support treatment.In recent years, the side effects of antibiotics have become increasingly apparent, coupled with the low compliance of children. Therefore, the treatment of traditional Chinese medicine is more and more favored by everyone. The author uses pediatric massage combined with moxibustion in clinical treatment of pediatric diarrhea ......

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