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http://www.100md.com 2023年4月13日 现代养生·上半月 2023年第5期
     王艳 王景文 高玉洁

    【摘要】? 阅读疗法是一种大学生常用的解决心理问题的自助疗法,阅读疗法书目的选用质量直接决定了阅读疗法的治疗效果。通过文献计量学方法分析近年来阅读疗法书目现状,尤其是高校大学生阅读疗法书目研究现状,发现存在的问题并提出建议,为未来阅读疗法书目研究提供参考。

    【关键词】? 阅读疗法;书目;心理问题

    中图分类号? G258.6? ? 文献标识码? A? ? 文章编号? 1671-0223(2023)09--04

    Research status and development trend of college students'bibliography of bibliotherapy Wang Yan, Wang Jingwen,? Gao Yujie. North China University of Science and Technology,Tangshan 063210,China

    【Abstract】? Bibliotherapy was a kind of self-help therapy commonly used by college students to solve psychological problems. The quality of bibliographies selected for bibliotherapy directly determined the therapeutic effect of bibliotherapy. To analyzed the current status of bibliography of bibliography in recent years, especially the research status of bibliography of bibliography of college students through the method of bibliometrics.

    【Key words】? Bibliotherapy; Bibliographies; Psychological problems ......

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