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http://www.100md.com 2023年6月21日 现代养生·上半月 2023年第7期
     张佳慧 张丽湲 宋妍羽 张宇奥 曹颖

    【摘要】? 目的? 针对2型糖尿病患者,设计一款融入中医药养生保健知识的健康管理程序。方法? 采用经典的MVC开发框架,将中医体质、中医药膳、腧穴保健、中医运动疗法与营养学相结合,设计中医综合健康管理程序—“控糖圈”APP。结果? “控糖圈”操作便捷,可帮助患者获得准确的中医药综合干预方法。结论? “控糖圈”APP有利于2型糖尿病患者应用中医药综合疗法进行日常健康管理。

    【關键词】? 2型糖尿病;中医特色疗法;健康管理;应用程序设计

    中图分类号? R248.1? ? 文献标识码? A? ? 文章编号? 1671-0223(2023)13--05

    Design and implementation of TCM health management APP for patients with T2DM? Zhang Jiahui, Zhang Liyuan, Song Yanyu, Zhang Yuao, Cao Ying. North China University of Science and Technology, Tangshan 063210, China

    【Abstract】? Objective To designed a health management application integrating health care knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine aiming at patients with type 2 diabetes. Methods? The classic MVC development framework was used to design the TCM comprehensive health management application -- Glucose control Circle ......

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