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http://www.100md.com 2019年10月1日 《现代养生·下半月》 2019年第10期
     [3]ChrisTrimmer,RichardTyo,JenniferPikard,ClaireMcKen.2018.Low-Intensity Cognitive Behavioural Therapy-Based Music Group (CBT-Music) for the Treatment of Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression: A Feasibility Study. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy: 250-257.

    [4]Bernardo Canga , RonitAzoulay, Jonathan Raskin Joanne Loewy.December 2015.AIR: Advances in Respiration - Music therapy in the treatment of chronic pulmonary disease.Respiratory Medicine:1532-1539.


    [6]Altenmueller,E.2009.Neural Reorganization Underlies Improvement in Stroke-induced Motor Dysfunction by Music-supported Therapy.Annals ofthe New York Academy of Sciences:395-405.






    李荣(1989-),女,研究生,护师。研究方向为肿瘤护理。, http://www.100md.com
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