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http://www.100md.com 2019年12月1日 《现代养生·下半月》 2019年第12期
     [6]Ribeiro Ah ,Lotufop A,Fujita A,et al.Association between short-term systolic blood pressure variability and carotid intima-media thickness in ELSA-Brasil baseline[J].American Journal of Hypertension,2017,30(10):954-960.

    [7]Zhao S, Fu S, Ren J, Luo L. Poor sleep is responsible for theimpaired nocturnal blood pressure dipping in elderly hypertensive:a cross-sectional study of elderly. Clin Exp Hypertens.2018;40:582–8.

    [8]中國老年医学学会高血压分会.老年人异常血压波动临床诊疗中国专家共识[J]中国心血管杂志 ......
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