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编辑 / 杨 怡 终校 / 王晶晶, 百拇医药(张华)
[10] Melis,E., Kriesell,D. Effects of Erroneous Examples: Results of a Preliminary School Experiment[Z]. Retrieved from http://www.activemath.org,2009.
[11] Siegler, R.S., Chen, Z. Differentiation and integration: Guiding principles for analyzing cognitive change[J]. Developmental Science, 2008,11: 433-448.
[12] Groβe, C.S., Renkl, A. Finding and fixing errors in worked examples: Can this foster learning outcomes? [J] Learning and Instruction, 2007, 17: 612-634.
[13] OECD. International report PISA plus[J]. Oxford Review of Education, 2003, 2: 139-163.
[14] Cheongjae Lee, Sngkeun Jung, Donghyeon Lee, & Gary Geunbae Lee. Example-Based Error Recovery Strategy for Spoking Dialog System[Z]. Retrieved from http://ieeexplore.ieee.org, 2007, 538-543.
[15] Tsovaltzi, D., Melis, E., Bruce, M., McLaren, Meyer, A.K., Dietrich,M., Goguadze, G. Learning from Erroneous Example[J]. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2010, 6095: 420-422.
编辑 / 杨 怡 终校 / 王晶晶, 百拇医药(张华)