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[13]Lehman,Blair,D'Mello,Sidney,& Graesser,Art. Confusion and complex learning during interactions with computer learning environments[J]. The Internet and Higher Education,2012,15(3):184-194.
编辑 / 杨 怡 丁 尧 终校 / 于 洪, 百拇医药(石茹?熊俊梅?海曼)
[10]Dai,D. Y.,& Sternberg,R. J. Motivation,emotion,and cognition:Integrative perspectives on intellectual functioning and development[M]. Mahwah,NJ:Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. (Eds.),2004.
[11]Daniels,Lia M.,& Stupnisky,Robert H. Not that different in theory:Discussing the control-value theory of emotions in online learning environments[J]. The Internet and Higher Education,2012,15(3):222-226.
[12]Dennen,Vanessa P.,Aubteen Darabi,A.,& Smith,Linda J. Instructor-Learner Interaction in Online Courses:The relative perceived importance of particular instructor actions on performance and satisfaction[J]. Distance Education,2007,28(1):65-79.
[13]Lehman,Blair,D'Mello,Sidney,& Graesser,Art. Confusion and complex learning during interactions with computer learning environments[J]. The Internet and Higher Education,2012,15(3):184-194.
编辑 / 杨 怡 丁 尧 终校 / 于 洪, 百拇医药(石茹?熊俊梅?海曼)