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[7]Kozlowski S W J,Bell B S. Disentangling Achievement Orientation and Goal Setting:Effects on Self-Regulatory Prcocesses[J]. American Psychological Association,2006,91(4):900-916.
[8] McKeachie M J. Helping students learn how to learn[D]. Uiversity of Michigan,2000.
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[10] 张焕.中学生时间管理自我监控、未来时间洞察力与学业成绩的关系[D].开封:河南大学,2013.
[11] 阮昆良,邓凌.学业成绩高、低分中学生时间管理倾向特点的研究[J].西南师范大学学报,2004(1). 11-13.
[12] 魏红.高中生数学自主学习的现状调查与教学设计研究[D].南昌:江西师范大学,2013.
编辑 / 王抒文 终校 / 于 洪, 百拇医药(李玲玉)
[1] Schunk D H. & Zimmennan B J .Competence and control beliefs:Distinguishing the Means and ends[M]. //Alexander P,Winne P. Handbook of Educational Psychology. NJ:Erlbaum,2006:349 -367.
[2] Pintrich P R. The role of goal orientation in self-regulated learning[M]. Boekaerts M,pintrich P R,Zeidner M. Handbook of self-regulation.SanDiego,CA:Academic Press,2000.
[3] 陈李绸.有效学习策略的研究与应用[J].学生辅导通讯,2003,38:40-47.
[4] 刘加霞,辛涛,黄高庆,申继亮. 中学生学习动机、学习策略与学业成绩的关系研究[J]. 教育理论与实践,2002 ,9(20):54-58.
[5] 赖美璇. 英语科学动机调整训练对高中生自我效能、学习动机与课业成就影响[D]. 台湾:成功大学教育研究所,2006.
[6] Wolters C A.The relation between high school students’motivational regulation and their use of learning strategies,effort,and classroom performance[J]. Learning and Individual Difference ,1999,11(3):218-299.
[7]Kozlowski S W J,Bell B S. Disentangling Achievement Orientation and Goal Setting:Effects on Self-Regulatory Prcocesses[J]. American Psychological Association,2006,91(4):900-916.
[8] McKeachie M J. Helping students learn how to learn[D]. Uiversity of Michigan,2000.
[9] Wolters C A. Self-regulated learning and college students’ regulation motivation[J]. Journal of Educational Psychology,1998,90:224-235.
[10] 张焕.中学生时间管理自我监控、未来时间洞察力与学业成绩的关系[D].开封:河南大学,2013.
[11] 阮昆良,邓凌.学业成绩高、低分中学生时间管理倾向特点的研究[J].西南师范大学学报,2004(1). 11-13.
[12] 魏红.高中生数学自主学习的现状调查与教学设计研究[D].南昌:江西师范大学,2013.
编辑 / 王抒文 终校 / 于 洪, 百拇医药(李玲玉)