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编辑/王抒文, http://www.100md.com(梁晓燕 汪岑)
[17]Seligman R,Gleser G,Rauh J,et al. The effects of earlier parental loss in adolescence[J]. Archives of General Psychiatry.1974,31(4):475-499.
[18]pfiffner L,Meburnett K,Rathouz P. Father absence and familial antisocial characteristics[J]. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology,2001,29(5):357-367.
[19]Stanley B,Weikel W,Wilson J. The effects of father absence on interpersonal problem-solving skills of nursery school children[J]. Journal of Counseling and Development,1986,64(6):383-385.
[21]Amato P. Life-span adjustment of children to their parents’ divorce[J]. Future of Children,1994,4(1):143-164.
[24]Bowlby J. Attachment and loss:Retrospect and prospect[J].American Journal of Orthopsychiatry,1982,52(4):664-678.
编辑/王抒文, http://www.100md.com(梁晓燕 汪岑)
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