[37] Stein J F, Fowler M S, Richardson A. Monocular occlusion can improve binocular control and reading in dyslexia. Brain, 2000, 123: 164~170
[38] Stein J. Visual motion sensitivity and reading. Neuropsychologia, 2003, 41: 1785~1793
Theories and Research of Eye Movement in Developmental Dyslexia
Chen Qingrong, Deng Zhu
(Department of Psychology, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210097, China)
Abstract: On the basis of cognition and biology, researchers put forward some theories about developmental dyslexia, such as phonological deficit、cerebellar deficit and the general magnocellular dysfunction,etc. And some characters in eye movement and some effective remedies have been found. But developmental dyslexia in Chinese is mainly confined to the fields of phonology and orthography. Other aspects have not been observed yet, such as eye movement. So primary theories about it are summarized. Then characters, such as fixation duration and frequency、saccade、regression and eyemovement mechanisms are discussed.
Key words: developmental dyslexia, eye movement, general magnocellular dysfunction.
[ 上 页 ], http://www.100md.com(陈庆荣 邓 铸)
[38] Stein J. Visual motion sensitivity and reading. Neuropsychologia, 2003, 41: 1785~1793
Theories and Research of Eye Movement in Developmental Dyslexia
Chen Qingrong, Deng Zhu
(Department of Psychology, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210097, China)
Abstract: On the basis of cognition and biology, researchers put forward some theories about developmental dyslexia, such as phonological deficit、cerebellar deficit and the general magnocellular dysfunction,etc. And some characters in eye movement and some effective remedies have been found. But developmental dyslexia in Chinese is mainly confined to the fields of phonology and orthography. Other aspects have not been observed yet, such as eye movement. So primary theories about it are summarized. Then characters, such as fixation duration and frequency、saccade、regression and eyemovement mechanisms are discussed.
Key words: developmental dyslexia, eye movement, general magnocellular dysfunction.
[ 上 页 ], http://www.100md.com(陈庆荣 邓 铸)