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An Introduction of Researches and Theory of Social Loafing
Wang Yanfei,Zhu Yu
(Collage of Business Administration, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640, China)
Abstract: Social loafing is a reduction in motivation and effort when individuals work collectively compared with when work individually or coactively. The purpose of this paper is to discuss some important aspects about the theory and research of social loafing, presenting the concept, origin and development, theorical explanation, antecedents, formation models, summarizes some drawbacks in this field, several interesting directions for future research are raised.
Key word: social loafing, social impact, formation model of social loafing.
[ 上 页 ], 百拇医药(王雁飞 朱 瑜)
[41] Shepherd M M, Briggs R O, Reinig B A, Yen J, Jay F, Nunamaker J R. Invoking social comparison to improve electronic brainstorming: Beyond anonymity. Journal of Management Information Systems, 1996, 12(3): 155~170
[42] Karau S J, Willims K D. Understanding individual motivation in groups: the collective effort model. In: M E Tumer (Ed). Groups at work: theory and research. Mahwah. NJ: Erlbaum, 2001. 113~114
An Introduction of Researches and Theory of Social Loafing
Wang Yanfei,Zhu Yu
(Collage of Business Administration, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640, China)
Abstract: Social loafing is a reduction in motivation and effort when individuals work collectively compared with when work individually or coactively. The purpose of this paper is to discuss some important aspects about the theory and research of social loafing, presenting the concept, origin and development, theorical explanation, antecedents, formation models, summarizes some drawbacks in this field, several interesting directions for future research are raised.
Key word: social loafing, social impact, formation model of social loafing.
[ 上 页 ], 百拇医药(王雁飞 朱 瑜)