[1] 何洁. 广告与视觉传达. 北京:中国轻工业出版社,2003. 133
[2] Thomas P, Jean-Pierre L, Steve C, et al. Marketplace Packaging Strategies [Special Report]. Canadian Packaging, 1997, 50(11): 13~21
[3] Pieters R, Warlop L, Wedel M. Breaking Through the Clutter: Benefits of Advertisement Originality and Familiarity for Brand Attention and Memory. Management Science, 2002, 48(6): 765~781
, 百拇医药
[4] Pieters R, Wedel M. Attention Capture and Transfer in Advertising: Brand, Pictorial, and Text-Size Effects. Journal of Marketing, 2004, 68(2): 36~50
[5] Wedel M, Pieters R. Eye fixations on Advertisements and Memory for Brands: A Model and Findings. Marketing Science, 2000, 19(4): 297~312
[6] Rosbergen E, Pieters R, Wedel M. Visual Attention to Advertising: A Segment-Level Analysis. Journal of Consumer Research, 1997, 24(3): 305~314
, 百拇医药
[7] Rayner K, Rotello C, Stewart A, et al. Integrating Text and Pictorial Information: Eye Movements When Looking at Print Advertisements .Journal of Experimental Psychology, 2001, 7(3): 219~226
[8] Reid L, King K, DeLorme D. Top-level Agency Creatives Look at Advertising Creativity Then and Now. Journal of Advertising, 1998,27(2):1~16
[9] Krugman D M, Fletcher J E, Fox R J, et al. Do Adolescents Attend to Warnings in Cigarette Advertising? An Eye-tracking Approach. Journal of Advertising Research, 1994, 34(6): 39~52
, 百拇医药
[10] Pieters R , Rosbergen E, Wedel M. Visual Attention to Repeated Print Advertising: A Test of Scanpath Theory. Journal of Marketing Research, 1999, 36(4): 424~438
[11] Parkhaust D J,Niebur E. Texture Contrast Attracts Overt Visual Attention in Natural Scenes. European Journal of Neuroscience, 2004, 19(3): 783~789
[12] Bogart L, Tolley B S. The Search for Information in Newspaper Advertising. Journal of Advertising Research, 1988, 28(2): 9~19
, 百拇医药
[13] García C, Ponsoda V, Estebaranz H. Scanning Ads: Effects of Involvement and of Position of the Illustration in Printed Advertisements. Advances in Consumer Research, 2000, 27(1): 104~109
[14] Raymond J E. Upper-Lower Visual Field Effects on the Visual Memory for Incidentally Viewed Branded Images. Advances in Consumer Research, 2002, 29(1): 223~224
[15] Lohse G. Consumer Eye Movement Patterns on Yellow Pages Advertising. Journal of Advertising, 1997, 26(1): 61~73
, 百拇医药
[16] Lohse G L, Wu D J. Eye Movement Patterns on Chinese Yellow Pages Advertising. Electronic Markets, 2001, 11(2): 87~96
[17] Kroeber-Riel W. Effects of Emotional Pictorial Elements in Ads Analyzed by Means of Eye Movement Monitoring. Advances in Consumer Research, 1984, 11(1): 591~596
[18] Pieters R, Warlop L. Visual Attention During Brand Choice: The Impact of Time Pressure and Task Motivation. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 1999, 16(1): 1~16
[19] Pieters R, Warlop L. The Effect of Time Pressure and Task Motivation on Visual Attention to Brands. Advances in Consumer Research, 1997, 24(1): 281~287
[ 上 页 ] [ 下 页 ], 百拇医药(周象贤 金志成)
[1] 何洁. 广告与视觉传达. 北京:中国轻工业出版社,2003. 133
[2] Thomas P, Jean-Pierre L, Steve C, et al. Marketplace Packaging Strategies [Special Report]. Canadian Packaging, 1997, 50(11): 13~21
[3] Pieters R, Warlop L, Wedel M. Breaking Through the Clutter: Benefits of Advertisement Originality and Familiarity for Brand Attention and Memory. Management Science, 2002, 48(6): 765~781
, 百拇医药
[4] Pieters R, Wedel M. Attention Capture and Transfer in Advertising: Brand, Pictorial, and Text-Size Effects. Journal of Marketing, 2004, 68(2): 36~50
[5] Wedel M, Pieters R. Eye fixations on Advertisements and Memory for Brands: A Model and Findings. Marketing Science, 2000, 19(4): 297~312
[6] Rosbergen E, Pieters R, Wedel M. Visual Attention to Advertising: A Segment-Level Analysis. Journal of Consumer Research, 1997, 24(3): 305~314
, 百拇医药
[7] Rayner K, Rotello C, Stewart A, et al. Integrating Text and Pictorial Information: Eye Movements When Looking at Print Advertisements .Journal of Experimental Psychology, 2001, 7(3): 219~226
[8] Reid L, King K, DeLorme D. Top-level Agency Creatives Look at Advertising Creativity Then and Now. Journal of Advertising, 1998,27(2):1~16
[9] Krugman D M, Fletcher J E, Fox R J, et al. Do Adolescents Attend to Warnings in Cigarette Advertising? An Eye-tracking Approach. Journal of Advertising Research, 1994, 34(6): 39~52
, 百拇医药
[10] Pieters R , Rosbergen E, Wedel M. Visual Attention to Repeated Print Advertising: A Test of Scanpath Theory. Journal of Marketing Research, 1999, 36(4): 424~438
[11] Parkhaust D J,Niebur E. Texture Contrast Attracts Overt Visual Attention in Natural Scenes. European Journal of Neuroscience, 2004, 19(3): 783~789
[12] Bogart L, Tolley B S. The Search for Information in Newspaper Advertising. Journal of Advertising Research, 1988, 28(2): 9~19
, 百拇医药
[13] García C, Ponsoda V, Estebaranz H. Scanning Ads: Effects of Involvement and of Position of the Illustration in Printed Advertisements. Advances in Consumer Research, 2000, 27(1): 104~109
[14] Raymond J E. Upper-Lower Visual Field Effects on the Visual Memory for Incidentally Viewed Branded Images. Advances in Consumer Research, 2002, 29(1): 223~224
[15] Lohse G. Consumer Eye Movement Patterns on Yellow Pages Advertising. Journal of Advertising, 1997, 26(1): 61~73
, 百拇医药
[16] Lohse G L, Wu D J. Eye Movement Patterns on Chinese Yellow Pages Advertising. Electronic Markets, 2001, 11(2): 87~96
[17] Kroeber-Riel W. Effects of Emotional Pictorial Elements in Ads Analyzed by Means of Eye Movement Monitoring. Advances in Consumer Research, 1984, 11(1): 591~596
[18] Pieters R, Warlop L. Visual Attention During Brand Choice: The Impact of Time Pressure and Task Motivation. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 1999, 16(1): 1~16
[19] Pieters R, Warlop L. The Effect of Time Pressure and Task Motivation on Visual Attention to Brands. Advances in Consumer Research, 1997, 24(1): 281~287
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