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[13] De Vega M. Backward updating mental models during continuous reading of narratives. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, & Cognition, 1995, 21: 373~385
[14] Zwaan R A. Processing narrative time shift. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 1996, 22: 1196~1207
, http://www.100md.com
[15] Nicolas Campion. Predictive inferences are represented as hypothetical facts. Journal of Memory and Language, 2004; 50: 149~164
[16] O’Brien E J,Rizzella M L, Albrecht J E, Halleran J G. Updating a situation model: A memory-based text processing view. Journal of Experimental Psychology : Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 1998, 24: 1200~1210
[17] 莫雷, 王瑞明, 何先友. 文本阅读过程中信息的协调性整合. 心理学报,2003,35:743~752
, 百拇医药
[18] 王瑞明, 莫雷. 文本阅读中协调性整合的条件. 心理学报,2004,36:15~23
[19] Richards E. Singer M. Representation of complex goal structures in narrative comprehension. Discourse Processes, 2001, 31: 111~135
[20] 莫雷, 冷英. 目标焦点监控下目标信息的建构与整合. 心理学报, 2005, 37: 41~50
[21] 冷英. 文本阅读中目标信息整合方式研究. 华南师范大学博士论文, 2004
[22] 王瑞明, 莫雷, 李莹. 知识表征的新观点——知觉符号理论. 心理科学, 2005, 28: 738~740
, 百拇医药
[23] Barasalou L W. Language comprehension: Archival memory or preparation for situated actions Discourse Processes, 1999, 28: 61~80
[24] Barasalou L W. Perceptual symbol system. Behavioral and Brain Science, 1999, 22: 577~660
[25] Zwaan R A, Stanfield R A. The effect of implied orientation derived from verbal context on picture recognition. Psychological Science, 2001,12: 153~156
[26] Zwaan R A, Stanfield R A, Yaxley R H. Language comprehenders mentally represent the shapes of objects. Psychological Science, 2002, 13: 168~171
, 百拇医药
[27] 李莹, 王瑞明, 莫雷. 物体隐含的形状信息对图画再认的影响. 心理科学, 2005, 28: 588~590
[28] Zwaan R A, Yaxley R H, Spatial iconicity affects semantic relatedness judgments, Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 2003, 10:954~958
[29] Zwaan R A, Yaxley R H, Hemispheric differences in semantic-relatedness judgments, Cognition, 2003, 87: 79~86
[30] Zwaan R A, Madden C J, Yaxley R H, et al. Moving words: Dynamic mental representations in language comprehension. Cognitive Science, 2004, 28: 611~619
[31] 王瑞明, 莫雷, 李利等. 言语理解中的知觉符号表征与命题符号表征. 心理学报, 2005, 37: 143~150
[ 上 页 ]
, 百拇医药(王瑞明 莫 雷 闫秀梅)
[13] De Vega M. Backward updating mental models during continuous reading of narratives. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, & Cognition, 1995, 21: 373~385
[14] Zwaan R A. Processing narrative time shift. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 1996, 22: 1196~1207
, http://www.100md.com
[15] Nicolas Campion. Predictive inferences are represented as hypothetical facts. Journal of Memory and Language, 2004; 50: 149~164
[16] O’Brien E J,Rizzella M L, Albrecht J E, Halleran J G. Updating a situation model: A memory-based text processing view. Journal of Experimental Psychology : Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 1998, 24: 1200~1210
[17] 莫雷, 王瑞明, 何先友. 文本阅读过程中信息的协调性整合. 心理学报,2003,35:743~752
, 百拇医药
[18] 王瑞明, 莫雷. 文本阅读中协调性整合的条件. 心理学报,2004,36:15~23
[19] Richards E. Singer M. Representation of complex goal structures in narrative comprehension. Discourse Processes, 2001, 31: 111~135
[20] 莫雷, 冷英. 目标焦点监控下目标信息的建构与整合. 心理学报, 2005, 37: 41~50
[21] 冷英. 文本阅读中目标信息整合方式研究. 华南师范大学博士论文, 2004
[22] 王瑞明, 莫雷, 李莹. 知识表征的新观点——知觉符号理论. 心理科学, 2005, 28: 738~740
, 百拇医药
[23] Barasalou L W. Language comprehension: Archival memory or preparation for situated actions Discourse Processes, 1999, 28: 61~80
[24] Barasalou L W. Perceptual symbol system. Behavioral and Brain Science, 1999, 22: 577~660
[25] Zwaan R A, Stanfield R A. The effect of implied orientation derived from verbal context on picture recognition. Psychological Science, 2001,12: 153~156
[26] Zwaan R A, Stanfield R A, Yaxley R H. Language comprehenders mentally represent the shapes of objects. Psychological Science, 2002, 13: 168~171
, 百拇医药
[27] 李莹, 王瑞明, 莫雷. 物体隐含的形状信息对图画再认的影响. 心理科学, 2005, 28: 588~590
[28] Zwaan R A, Yaxley R H, Spatial iconicity affects semantic relatedness judgments, Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 2003, 10:954~958
[29] Zwaan R A, Yaxley R H, Hemispheric differences in semantic-relatedness judgments, Cognition, 2003, 87: 79~86
[30] Zwaan R A, Madden C J, Yaxley R H, et al. Moving words: Dynamic mental representations in language comprehension. Cognitive Science, 2004, 28: 611~619
[31] 王瑞明, 莫雷, 李利等. 言语理解中的知觉符号表征与命题符号表征. 心理学报, 2005, 37: 143~150
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, 百拇医药(王瑞明 莫 雷 闫秀梅)