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http://www.100md.com 2006年8月31日 《心理科学进展》 2006年第4期
    [36] Leung K, Cheung F M, Zhang J M, et al. The five factor model of personality in China. In: K. Leung, Y Kashima, U Kim, S Yamaguchi. Progress in Asian social psychology. Singapore: John wiley.1997, 1: 231~244

    [37] Cheung F M, Leung K, Zhang, J.X. et al. Indigenous Chinese personality constructs. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 2001, 29: 402~417

    [38] Cheung F M, Cheung S F, Leung K,et al. The English Version of the Chinese Personality Assessment Inventory. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 2003, 34: 433~452

    [39] Zhang J M, Bond M H. Personality and filial piety among college students in two Chinese societies: The added value of indigenous constructs. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. 1998, 29: 402~417

    [40] 张建新 ......

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