[15] Neider A, Freedman D J, Miller E K. Representation of the quantity of visual items in the primate prefrontal cortex. Science, 2002, 297(6): 1708~1711
[16] Sawamura H, Shima K, Tanji J. Numerical representation for action in the parietal cortex of the monkey. Nature, 2002, 415(21): 918~922
[17] Antell S E, Keating D P. Perception of numerical invariance in neonates. Child Development, 1983, 54: 695~701
, 百拇医药
[18] Wynn K. Addition and subtraction by human infants. Nature, 1992, 358(27): 749~750
[19] Feiganson L, Carey S. Tracking individuals via object-files: Evidence from infants’ manual search. Developmental Science, 2003, 6(5): 568~584
[20] Starkey P, Spelke E S, Gelman R. Numerical abstraction by human infants. Cognition, 1990, 36: 97~128
[21] Wynn K. Infants’ Individuation and enumeration of actions. Psychological Science, 1996, 7(3): 164~169
, 百拇医药
[22] Trick L M, Pylyshyn Z W. Why are small and large numbers enumerated differently? A limited-capacity preattentive stage in vision. Psychological Review, 1994, 101(1): 80~102
[23] Cowan N. The magical number 4 in short-term memory: A reconsideration of mental storage capacity. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 2000, 24: 87~185
[24] Vogel E K, Woodman G F, Luck S J. Storage of features, conjunctions, and objects in visual working memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 2001, 27(1): 92~114
, 百拇医药
[25] Cole M, Gay J, Glick J. A cross-cultural investigation of information processing. International Journal of Psychology, 1968, 3(2): 93~102
[26] Gordon P. Numerical cognition without words: Evidence from Amazonia. Science, 2004, 306(15): 496~499
[27] Dehaene S, Spelke E, Pinel P, Stanescu R, Tsivkin S. Sources of mathematical thinking: Behavioral and brain-imaging evidence. Science, 1999, 284(7): 970~974
, 百拇医药
[28] Spelke E S, Tsivkin S. Language and number: A bilingual training study. Cognition, 2001, 78: 45~88
[29] Nuerk H-C, Geppert B E, Herten M, Willmes K. On the impact of different number representations in the number bisection task. Cortex, 2002, 38: 691~715
[30] Lee K M, Kang S Y. Arithmetic operation and working memory: Differential suppression in dual tasks. Cognition, 2002, 83(3): B63~B68
, 百拇医药 [31] Butterworth B. The development of arithmetical abilities. Journal of Child Psychology, 2005, 46(1): 3~18
[32] Miller K F, Smith C M, Zhu J, Zhang H. Preschool origins of cross-national differences in mathematical competence: The role of number-naming systems. Psychological Science, 1995, 6(1): 56~60
[33] Miura I T, Okamoto Y, Kim C C, Steere M, Fayol M. First graders’ cognitive representation of number and understanding of place value: Cross-national comparisons-France, Japan, Korea, Sweden, and the United States. Journal of Educational Psychology, 1993, 85(1): 24~30
[34] Gullberg J. Mathematics: From the birth of numbers. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc, 1997. 31~68
[35] Fuson K C, Kwon Y. Korean children’s understandings of multidigit addition and subtraction. Child Development, 1992, 63: 491~506
[ 上 页 ] [ 下 页 ], 百拇医药(刘东台 李小建)
[16] Sawamura H, Shima K, Tanji J. Numerical representation for action in the parietal cortex of the monkey. Nature, 2002, 415(21): 918~922
[17] Antell S E, Keating D P. Perception of numerical invariance in neonates. Child Development, 1983, 54: 695~701
, 百拇医药
[18] Wynn K. Addition and subtraction by human infants. Nature, 1992, 358(27): 749~750
[19] Feiganson L, Carey S. Tracking individuals via object-files: Evidence from infants’ manual search. Developmental Science, 2003, 6(5): 568~584
[20] Starkey P, Spelke E S, Gelman R. Numerical abstraction by human infants. Cognition, 1990, 36: 97~128
[21] Wynn K. Infants’ Individuation and enumeration of actions. Psychological Science, 1996, 7(3): 164~169
, 百拇医药
[22] Trick L M, Pylyshyn Z W. Why are small and large numbers enumerated differently? A limited-capacity preattentive stage in vision. Psychological Review, 1994, 101(1): 80~102
[23] Cowan N. The magical number 4 in short-term memory: A reconsideration of mental storage capacity. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 2000, 24: 87~185
[24] Vogel E K, Woodman G F, Luck S J. Storage of features, conjunctions, and objects in visual working memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 2001, 27(1): 92~114
, 百拇医药
[25] Cole M, Gay J, Glick J. A cross-cultural investigation of information processing. International Journal of Psychology, 1968, 3(2): 93~102
[26] Gordon P. Numerical cognition without words: Evidence from Amazonia. Science, 2004, 306(15): 496~499
[27] Dehaene S, Spelke E, Pinel P, Stanescu R, Tsivkin S. Sources of mathematical thinking: Behavioral and brain-imaging evidence. Science, 1999, 284(7): 970~974
, 百拇医药
[28] Spelke E S, Tsivkin S. Language and number: A bilingual training study. Cognition, 2001, 78: 45~88
[29] Nuerk H-C, Geppert B E, Herten M, Willmes K. On the impact of different number representations in the number bisection task. Cortex, 2002, 38: 691~715
[30] Lee K M, Kang S Y. Arithmetic operation and working memory: Differential suppression in dual tasks. Cognition, 2002, 83(3): B63~B68
, 百拇医药 [31] Butterworth B. The development of arithmetical abilities. Journal of Child Psychology, 2005, 46(1): 3~18
[32] Miller K F, Smith C M, Zhu J, Zhang H. Preschool origins of cross-national differences in mathematical competence: The role of number-naming systems. Psychological Science, 1995, 6(1): 56~60
[33] Miura I T, Okamoto Y, Kim C C, Steere M, Fayol M. First graders’ cognitive representation of number and understanding of place value: Cross-national comparisons-France, Japan, Korea, Sweden, and the United States. Journal of Educational Psychology, 1993, 85(1): 24~30
[34] Gullberg J. Mathematics: From the birth of numbers. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc, 1997. 31~68
[35] Fuson K C, Kwon Y. Korean children’s understandings of multidigit addition and subtraction. Child Development, 1992, 63: 491~506
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