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http://www.100md.com 2006年12月1日 《心理科学进展》 2006年第6期
     [31] Tasa K, Whyte G. Collective efficacy and vigilant problem solving in group decision making A non-linear model. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 2005, 96(1): 119~129

    [32] Lindsley D H, Brass D J. Efficacy-performance spirals: A multilevel perspective. Academy of Management Review, 1995, 20(3): 645~680

    [33] Riggs M L., Knight P A. The impact of perceived group success-failure on motivational beliefs and attitudes: A causal model. Journal of Applied Psychology, 1994, 79(5): 755~766
, 百拇医药
    [34] Lent R W, Schmidt J, Schmidt L. Collective efficacy beliefs in student work teams: Relation to self-efficacy, cohesion, and performance. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 2006, 68(1): 73~84

    [35]Wang S L, Lin S. The effects of group composition of self-efficacy and collective efficacy on computer-supported collaborative learning. Computers in Human Behavior, 2006, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online.

    [36] Taggar S, Seijts G H. Leader and staff role-efficacy as antecedents of collective-efficacy and team performance. Human Performance, 2003, 16(2): 131~156
, 百拇医药
    [37] Arnold K A, Barling J, Kelloway E K. Transformational leadership or the iron cage: Which predicts trust, commitment and team efficacy? Leadership and Organization Development Journal, 2001, 22(7/8): 315~320

    [38] Jung D I, Sosik J J. Transformational leadership in work groups: The role of empowerment, cohesiveness, and collective-efficacy on perceived group performance. Small Group Research, 2002, 33(3): 313~336

    [39] Pescosolido A T. Informal leaders and the development of group efficacy. Small Group Research, 2001, 32(1): 74~93
, 百拇医药
    [40] Chen G, Bliese P D. The role of different levels of leadership in predicting self- and collective efficacy: evidence for discontinuity. Journal of Applied Psychology, 2002, 87(3): 549~557

    [41] Sargent L D,Sue-chan C. Does diversity affect group efficacy? The intervening role of cohesion and task interdependence. Small Group Research, 2001, 32(4): 426~450

    [42] Baker D F. The development of collective efficacy in small task groups. Small Group Research, 2001, 32(4): 451~474
, 百拇医药
    [43] Mulvey P W, Ribbens B A. The effects of inter-group competition and assigned group goals on group efficacy and group effectiveness. Small Group Research, 1999, 30(6): 651~677

    [44] Gibson C B. Me and us: Differential relationships among goal-setting training, efficacy and effectiveness at the individual and team level. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 2001, 22(7): 789~811

    [45] Brown T C. The effect of verbal self-guidance training on collective efficacy and team performance. Personnel Psychology, 2003, 56(4): 935~964

    [46] 石雷山. 教师集体效能理论及其应用. 心理科学进展, 2006, 14(3): 389~393

    [ 上 页 ], 百拇医药(李 锐 凌文辁)